The Olive Project

A project that provides financial intervention to those identified as being in need. This is usually in a crisis/emergency type situation. Aligned with the trust’s objectives, we believe that individuals have the right to a basic standard of living, which includes but is not exhaustive access to good quality accommodation, food, clothing, and other amenities that will help them to improve their quality of life. 

The Olive Trust actively works with partner agencies to provide financial support in the form of grants to help individuals (as identified by the referrer) as needing support. This support is in the form of a one-off payment paid directly to the referrer.

The Olive Trust supports local agencies, namely, Shelter Housing Advice and the Red Cross Leicester. With the former, our support has been on an ad hoc basis where we respond to a request for support as and when an application is received. With the latter, our support is more time focused by way of a more targeted project specific response.

In terms of achievements, we believe that the trust has made a significant impact on each individual/family that it has supported since launching this project. For example, we have made monetary contributions towards rent deposits to help secure accommodation for recipients.

Our intervention has been the difference between a family being able to move out of insecure temporary accommodation into a private let tenancy of their own. This not only avoids further disruption in their lives but also gives them the stability that comes with having basic needs met.